I had been sharing my skill sets and helping DJs improve their mixing throughout the entire time I'd been running the company and as I rolled around on the grass with my lad during lockdown I had an "ah ha" moment.
I wanted to stay in the Djing business but there was no entertainment sector to work in. Clubs were shut, weddings were off and playing out again was an unknown. But there was a way I could still help people improve their skills
I wanted to build an online program that would nurture and develop foundation level skills for all types of DJ and all levels of experience.
Pulling on my experience as a sound engineer, business owner, professional club DJ, and neurodiverse learning style I hatched a cunning plan.
Not another evergreen, heres a bunch of videos and see you later fob off approach!
An online community where people can interact with me and get face to fcae... well, screen to screen time with me to help them over the pitfalls and down the path of least resistance to DJing awesomeness.
So, I dug out my note pad, searched for training and resources needed to become the best DJ coach I could be and set about building something new.
Managing to convert my unique and sometimes quirky teaching method into an effective, easy to follow step by step holistic DJ coaching program wasn't an easy journey but it was one I enjoyed immeasurably.
I launched my program and started helping people create a positive impact on the world around them through their passion for music. Unlocking their inner DJ and accelerating their skill sets beyond their expectations.
From bedroom DJs to established mobile entertainers my portfolio of graduates is one of the most awesome eclectic collection of boom boom selectors imaginable
I'm able to do this because I share what I know. I coach from a mentorship level. My personally achievments, professional mobile DJing, headline club DJ, Business owner... These are all things I want for you.
Accelerate your journey
with professional advice
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All you need to get started in 1 program!
Not just another snore fest tech talk!
This shits interesting