I see a future where DJs, armed with knowledge, skills, and passion, are empowered and equipped to achieve fulfilment and make a positive impact through the art of mixing, amplifying lives with music

I see a future where DJs, armed with knowledge, skills, and passion, are empowered and equipped to achieve fulfilment and make a positive impact through the art of mixing, amplifying lives with music

Personal DJ Coaching

Having a personal coach means you have someone in your corner helping you with the discipline you need when motivation decides to pop out for a minute.

A coach isn't there to dictate how something is done, more guide you to discover the answers in a way you'll understand with the least amount of resistance.

What is Mentorship

Online mentorship has seen a boom in the last 5 years.

Where a standard training or coaching program provides information, mentorship is about providing context from a position of having actively performed.

With a mentor you get feedback and validation that helps fuel your discipline and empowers you to succeed

👇👇What do my students think?👇👇

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